Local Amenities
Ashmansworth and Crux Easton are small villages and have few amenities within the parish, beyond the churches and the village hall.
However we are well served by the surrounding villages with shops, pubs, restaurants and doctors' surgeries.
We are part of the East Woodhay and Highclere Neighbourcare scheme, which has been so valuable, especially during the covid 19 pandemic. They will help those who are elderly or disabled etc with delivering medical prescriptions, taking people to the surgery and even helping with shopping. During the pandemic, they issued a number of newsletters, the latest of which is attached below.
Ashmansworth District Horticultural Society is a busy society that holds 2 shows a year, 1 in spring and 1 in summer, which are open to any exhibitor, although some prizes are restricted to residents only. There are also garden visits, and in the winter months there are demonstrations and talks. The summer show is held at Ashmansworth and displays include fruit and vegetables, flower arrangements, home baking and crafts. The beautiful surroundings and traditional style make the summer show popular with locals and tourists, and excellent teas are always available! An entertaining dog show and various games and stalls make for a wonderful afternoon.
The society is always looking for volunteers to help during the year and on show days, so if you would like to help or join the committee please contact the Secretary, Ginny Bond, email [email protected]